In the month of April, when the sun is at its peak and the wheat crop is ready then the preparations of Baisakhi festival begins in Punjab. Folk songs have described this festival as–
This means that the wheat crop is ready for harvesting and the time for protecting the crop has finished because the festival of baisakhi has arrived. After Baisakhi the harvesting of crops begins.
To celebrate the joy of good wheat yield many fairs are celebrated in Punjab. This is the time to dance and sing because after this the hard work of harvesting the crops will get started. Stalls are put up for the people going to attend the fair, where they are arranged with chilled water and juice.
With the joy of Baisakhi, a religious wing is also attached. One the accounts of Baisakhi, the tenth guru of Sikhs Guru Govind Singh established Khalsa Panth in Anandpur Sahib, where he chose five dear followers from the extreme crowd in Kesargarh Gurudware in the fair of Baisakhi and gave them the initiation and also took the same from them. He gave them sufficient nectar and then he took the nectar from those Panj Pyare (Five followers). This was a turning point which changed the history of Punjab. Even today that day is remembered worldwide and celebrations are still made for the same.